Isaiah 64:8

But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.

My Testimony

Greetings to you in the most holy name of Jesus.

It is a great pleasure and joy to share my testimony with you. I hope this may help you in having a better fellowship together in Lord Jesus.

I was born to parents who were traditional Christians and did not have any deep relationship with Lord Jesus. My father was a chain smoker and my mother suffered from mental illness and stress because of various differences between them. They often quarrelled between themselves gave little time in taking care of me because of which I felt lonely.Beacause of this I had a very negative effect on my life and I sought to distance myself from friends and relatives and started spending most of my time watching movies and staying away from home.

When I was eighteen years of age, I started liking a non-believing Hindu girl who was deaf and dumb. I tried getting closer to her and tried all means and all my plans failed. I found myself difficult to live without her and finally started planning to commit suicide. I found my life dull and meaningless without her.

That night, when I slept with a heavy heart and and a plan of when to commit suicide, I saw Jesus near a sea shore or a huge lake in the dream telling me which is written in the Bible “ Come, Let us go unto the other side” from Luke 8:22 and Mark 4:5. Then he laid his right hand on my head and blessed me. After the dream, when I woke up in the morning, I felt that a the heavy burden within my heart was lifted away and I felt a great peace rule my heart. After this dream, I dropped the plan to commit suicide and thanked the Lord and accepted Jesus as my personal saviour.

Prior to the day of my salvation, my life was one of searching, questioning, and trying to lead a good and righteous life in my own strength and ability. After having an encounter with Jesus, my life has never been the same. My life was filled with JOY and PEACE and began to live sanctified life in God’s strength and ability.

From that day on till now, there has been no turning back. God has been helping, leading and guiding me in my life. Finally, after a year in the nineteenth year of my age in the year 1995, I entered the waters of Baptism and dedicated my life to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in an evangelical meeting conducted in the Shivajinagar Corporation ground by a mighty man of God Rev.Daniel Christian from Mumbai.

Hope my testimony brings encouragement, hope and comfort to all those who are reading. Be blessed in Christ Jesus.

Your’s Loving Brother
Samraj [ Nagabhushan]
About me image
Home Church image
Berachah House Of Worship is a "Home Church" for the DeChurched in the city of Bangalore, India.

Our vision is to reach the UNREACHED, UNCHURCHED, DECHURCHED in all the nations through "Home Churches"

Presently, we are in the start-up phase of gathering the believers and making them to know the blessing and importance of COMING TOGETHER for the glory of God.

If you are interested to partner and start a HOME CHURCH at your place, we are here waiting for. Get in touch with us. 

Donation Amount

  • Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

You may contact me by mail to : Samraj Yerraguntala #2/2, 4th A Main, Subedarpalya, Yeshwanthpur Bangalore - 560022, Karnataka, India

Prophetic Ministry image
For you can all prophesy - 1 Cor 14:31

Our vision is for for each believer to move in the prophetic & to hear God for themselves and others.

We believe that God is speaking all the time and that He is speaking ways that His children can hear Him. He’s not playing hard to get or give us the silent treatment. God speaks through a variety of means and each of us can grow in hearing God’s voice.

Our goal in prophecy is jumpstart others’ conversations with God and to confirm or clarify what they are already hearing.
We believe that prophecy should always be to “strengthen, encourage, & comfort” (1 Corinthians 14:3) and that when God speaks it should bear with it the fruit of the Spirit, “love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.“ (Gal. 5:22-23)

God is not the author of confusion, fear, frustration, or depression. Whenever we hear something that we think is from God either for ourselves or for others, we test it.
Does it bear the fruit of the Spirit? Does it line up with who God has revealed Himself to be in the Bible?
Do not treat prophecies with contempt, but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil.” (1 Thes. 5:20-22)